The dog show 245


 Date : Thr 18 Nov 2010

 Show : AUKC, Dachshund Club of NSW Speciality Show

 Site : Erskin Park, NSW, Australia

 Judge : Ms. Carol Graham ( Hound Group, from Can)

I could have an opportunity to visit the Australian dog show. The Australian dog shows were the Dachshund Club of NSW Speciality Show and NSW PURINA International Spring Fair 2010. I special thank Australian friends and the member of the Dachshund Club of NSW their kindness.

Location of the show ground was suburbs of Sydney city, and was apporoximately 55 kilos from Sydney Center. It took one and a half hours by train and taxi.

Erskin Park is a petrmanent show ground. Very good site for the show.

The show was New South Wales State Dachshund Club Specialty Show . Judging commences was 18:30, it was night show. There were 80 entries.

I could see the show well, sitting on the chair of the ringside.